World premiere: Theater Hagen, October 3rd 2020

Choreography: Francesco Vecchione

Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Klavierkonzert Nr. 21 in C Dur, KV 467: II Andante; Vesperae solennes de confessore in C, KV 339),
Frantz Casséus (Haitian Suite: Nr. 2:Yanvalloux / Alberto Mesirca), Miguel Resende Bastos (original composition)
Live song: Jeong Min Kim Arirang, 아리랑

Performers: Filipa Amorim, Gennaro Chianese, Alexandre Démont, Ciro Iorio, Jeong Min Kim, Noemi Emanuela Martone, Federica Mento, Bojan Micev, Antonio Moio, Amber Neumann, Sara Peña, Dario Rigaglia, Ambre Twardowski, Suzanne Vis

Stage: Francesco Vecchione

Light: Ernst Schießl, Francesco Vecchione

Costumes: Francesco Vecchione

“The World we live in is nothing less than a mirror of what we have become within.
We are living in a very delicate time of change… It is our moment to choose. The beauty of this moment is that there is a choice and it is ours to make.
We must embrace change to move forward and thrive.”

photo: Oliver Look

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